Ditch Paper and Leave Your Laptop at the Office!

Complete your inspections quickly & easily, without unnecessary hassles. With PZM's mobile app for Android, you can easily capture data, access inspection checklists & take photos in a matter of minutes. And best of all, it's available for both phones and tablets, so you can take it with you wherever you go!

PZM Android Mobile App
Say goodbye to the guesswork in substation and power line inspections.

Our mobile app for Android helps you easily track and collect equipment information, troubleshoot problem areas, and stay organized with our workflow manager.

No more paper. No more clipboards. No more laptops in the truck!

Get it on Google Play
PZM Mobile App for Android

Take PZM with you wherever you go!

Complete Inspections Quickly & Easily
Access Inspection Checklists & History
Take Photos & Capture Data
Works Offline!

Streamline Your Work!

With PZM's mobile app, users have the ultimate tool to simplify their work and get the job done quickly and efficiently.

No more sifting through endless paperwork or struggling to keep track of equipment information.

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Protection Zone Management

Here's how to get started with PZM...

It's easy to schedule a PZM demo! Click Here To Get Started