PZM Introduces an iPad App for Electrical Substation Management & Inspections

PZM Introduces iPad-Enabled Inspection Platform, Eliminating Paper and Double Data Entry for Electrical Utilities

May 1, 2019

PZM is excited to announce a new iPad-enabled inspection platform for electric cooperatives. The PZM cloud-based program is great for record keeping and reporting, it is only as good as the data that gets entered.

Paper entry and double data entry has always been a challenge for our users. The inspector would hand write the inspections and their data reads, but the entry into the software program proved to be a bottleneck.

Valuable time was required of the inspector, or an engineer, or a clerical employee to enter the data from the paper to the software. Data wasn't making it into the program, and when it did, errors and omissions were common due to handwriting problems or lost data.

PZM Mobile Apps

With the new PZM iPad-enabled program, all inspection records and inspection data is entered one-time by the inspector in the field. The data is then instantly synchronized to PZM's cloud-based servers, and the information is instantly available for reporting and analysis.

Data entry is boring and unfulfilling work. PZM's new mobile platform eliminates data entry and the time savings are considerable. PZM customers are excited about the platform, as employees are able to spend their time on higher value work.

PZM offers a simple and effective inspection program that provides utilities information they can act on to improve their system.

About Protection Zone Management—PZM

Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC), located in Portola, California, is a member-owned electric distribution utility providing electrical power and related services to more than 7,700 member/owners in Plumas, Lassen, and Sierra counties in California and portions of Washoe County in Nevada. Plumas County is part of the Lost Sierra, the northern part of the Sierra Nevada—it has all the beauty of the Sierra Nevada, while being uncrowded, affordable, and offering great quality of life.

Benefits of PZM include:

PZM is an electrical utilities inspection software solution that puts your inspection and maintenance program on cruise control and frees up management time for other important business initiatives.

Click here if you are interested in learning more about how PZM can help your electric utility simplify the substation inspection and line patrol experience.